604-984-6011 rugs@live.com
Services Vancouver Rug Cleaning

Area Rug Stain Removal

East & West Rug Cleaning co.

A prominent Vancouver area rug cleaning company, specializing in cleaning and repair of all types of hand knotted high quality rugs.

Area Rug Stain Removal

Knowing about Area rug stain removal materials, fibers, dyes are essential to remove carpet stains without any damage to your rugs. Area Rug stains occur when liquid or other materials penetrate into the area rug piles or foundations. Unfortunately many of these stains are permanent and can be only removed by someone who has extensive knowledge about materials, dyes, and other products and processes in making of different types of area rug, along with the knowledge of specialized stain removing products for different stains. In other words, area rug stain removal is a specialized process that must only be done by professionals.  Attempt to remove stains by using wrong products or wrong ways of doing so causes further damage to handmade carpets.  Before you entrust your valuable hand knotted carpet with any one, ensure about their expertise first.

 Stain removal is one of the services we provide in our carpet cleaning facility. Over the decades, we have successfully removed tens of thousands of carpet stains, ranging from the most common types such as pet stain and wine stain to the least common that could be almost any stain. We consider many factors to identify and implement the best stain removal process. For each stain, we make our own special stain removal product. This has made us the most successful company among carpet cleaning Vancouver industry and around North America.

Here are the examples of the some of the most common types of carpet stain removal:

Area rug stain

Pet stain removal including dog stains such as dog urine and dog feces; cat stains and more;
Wine stain removal including red wine, white one, and rose wine;
Coffee stain removal;

Beauty products stain removal such as lipstick, nail polish, and more;

Candle stain removal

Our expertise does not limit to only these types of stains. Our company also offers stain removal of other less common types of stains.

Call us to receive more information about our stain removal services

area rug stain


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